Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 Turkey Day

Adam and I alternate which family we spend the majority of a holiday with. This year we were with Adam's family for Thanksgiving and we will be with my family for Christmas. Adam and Darl did a Turkey trot fun run on Thanksgiving morning. It was put on by the PT clinic where Adam is interning. Darl took 1st and Adam took 2nd.
While Adam was running, I was spending time with the nieces and nephews and helping with meal prep. I helped peel potatoes for mashed potatoes, but poor Sam had to pick up all the peels that missed the garbage! I assisted Kayden in making a pistachio salad and cookie salad. Adam had made a delicious Snickerdoodle Cheesecake the night before. It tasted just like my mom's Snickerdoodle cookies! Yum!
Sam wearing his puppets
When we are with Adam's family for Thanksgiving, we usually go to Utah to spent Thanksgiving with the "M" clan, that is Adam's mom, Karen's, side of the family. The family usually reserves the gym in the church next to the Jordan River temple for half a day. In addition to food, this year they also had crafts/ art projects for the kids, a photo booth, and glow in the dark dodge ball. 
Sam and Kayden
Hope y'all had a great time with family, eating turkey, and giving thanks!

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