Monday, March 19, 2012

Coming Soon

Hear all about OUR TRIP TO NEW ZEALAND. That's right, we are home safe and sound and within the next few days we will hopefully we able to start telling you all about New Zealand, its wonderfulness, and our great time together.
We really enjoyed our trip to New Zealand and our opportunity to relax and get away from "it all". As our family continues to grow, we would like to continue exploring the world with our children.
Although we like to travel and experience new things, family is still the most important thing in our lives. I am just telling all of you this because I don't want you to think we'd ever put children on the back-burner for traveling. I just read an adoption novel where the birth mother didn't really like hearing about perspective adoptive parents travels because it didn't tell about who the families were and she felt like her child might put a damper in their future travel plans. So, that is why I wanted to address this. It scared me! Adam and I for sure would rather have family than travel any day. Promise, promise, promise!

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